Saturday, February 5, 2011

Kick Off

For about 3 months now we've been listening to this guy on the radio.
Dave Ramsey.

I would listen to him on the radio any time I was driving around at night. I became fascinated with the people who would call in...both the people in debt and the people who were debt free.

About 1 week ago I bought his book, "The Total Money Makeover." It isn't a get-rich-quick scheme. It is full of common sense. And it seems almost too simple.

Evan and I talked and talked (and talked some more) and reached the decision that we were going to try it. For the next few years we are, as Dave says, going to live like no one else so that later we can live like no one else.

So why the blog? Two reasons actually:

1. Accountability. If our friends and family know what we are doing we will have the extra motivation to keep moving forward.

2. We want to invite ANYONE and everyone to do this program with us. There really is strength in numbers. We want to see other families and individuals succeed during this process because it has already been such a positive step for us. Or maybe you have already started this process and could share some encouragement with us.

There you have it. The journey begins.


  1. Wow, you've caught my eye. What's this guys "budget method"?

  2. Abbie!!!

    I love it. You just set up your monthly budget like you normally do, but look for any place you could save a little extra money.

    From there you build a $1000 emergency fund. After that you take any extra money and start paying the debt with the smallest balance. It's fantastic!

  3. Way to go Skip! Randy and I did the TMM in 2009 and it was awesome. It really is a great system. Keep it up and you'll be so happy when you've reached your goals! Thanks for the great tips on your blog too.

  4. This is awesome that you are blogging about your money make-over. My husband and I went through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University classes. Over a year and half later we have paid off our debts (except the house) and went on a big vacation paying for it in cash. I never thought that would have been possible! Thank you for sharing your crafts - I love the valentine wreath!
